Professional Comfort 

With the ability to provide professional grade facilities, you don’t need to worry about your safety or your horses at Shenanigans Stables.

Size Matters

Shenanigans Stables was built with a 100’ by 200’ indoor riding arena. At this size you have the flexibility to have multiple riders in the arena at the same time without feeling crowded.

It also allows us to provide first class dressage shows, jumper shows, pony club practices, mountain trail courses, and more all with enough space to safely maneuver your horse. No one wants to enter an indoor competition and feel cramped or worried about whether or not you can make a turn. Our layout keeps you from worrying and lets you fully enjoy your time with us.

The Science of Footing

Our riding arena was built from the ground up equipped Premier Equestrians Otto Base Matt System. When it comes to footing that will allow you to comfortably and safely compete at any level without worry of injury to your horse you need to consider all of your footing- including the parts you don’t see. 12 inches of ground was excavated out to allow us to build the ideal sub-base, base, and substrate for our arena.

The Otto Base Matt system underneath Premier’s priority sand and substrate mixture provide ideal stability, shock absorption, and longevity for your horse. For more information about all the benefits of Premier Equestrian Footing please check out their website. We then regularly maintain the footing to its highest quality with regular grooming and watering year round to ensure the best place for your horse to excel.